Conductive Level Switch ACS SLK

Cảm biến đo mức điện cực ACS SLK

Conductive Level Switch ACS SLK

Giá: Contact


Conductive Level Switch ACS SLK rod probes are used in conjunction with the evaluation units (eg, SRA-100-U0) for level detection and level control in conductive liquids, especially in food and used in the pharmaceutical sector, where high hygiene requirements. Depending on the number of bars and evaluation devices used, different measurement tasks such as Overflow, dry run, two-step control, moisture detection, etc. are realized. Depending on model selected can include the container wall as a mass, to be implemented to 4 set points. The ground connection is made in the probe head and is transferred through the threads on the conductive container. Process connections, various hygienic connections are available, the seal gap, flush.

Type: SLK

Manufacturer: ACS

Made in Germany

Process pressure -1...+20bar
Process temperature -40°C...130°C
Protection Class IP65 DIN EN 60529
Output μS/cm
Number of electrode rod 4
Process connection G1½“, G1"" G1/2"" , Dairy coupling DIN 11851 (Dn25, DN40, DN50)
Length of electrode rod: 3000mm 3000mm



0918113733 0918113733