PID Controller Novus N1200

PID Controller Novus N1200

Giá: Contact


The N1200 process controller was designed for high performance control in the most demanding applications. N1200 has the fastest sampling rate among competitors, which allows the PID control to actuate with great responsiveness ensuring the correct process dynamics. Both electronic robustness and anti-flame material enclosure comply with the main world-class approvals for industry devices. Advanced configuration of all parameters and fine tuning can be easily and quickly achieved via the USB port by using the free-of-charge NOVUS configuration software.

Type: 8120200120

Manufacturer: Novus

Made in Brazil

Type: N1200 USB
Part Number: 8120200120
Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 110 mm
Input: T/C, Pt100, voltage and current
Output: 2 relays, analog (0-20 mA or 4-20 mA)
Communication Interfaces: USB
Power supply: 1 00~240 Vac / 48~240 Vdc; 50~60 Hz

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