Capacitive level switch UWT CN4030

Cảm biến đo mức điện dung UWT CN4030

Capacitive level switch UWT CN4030

Giá: Contact


Capacitive level switch UWT CN4030 is used in storage and process vessels as a full and demand detector in all bulk solids from a DK value of 1.6. The measuring probe can be flexibly adjusted up to a length of 3000 mm and puts the switching point where the application needs it. Due to its “Active Shield” function any buildup does not in any way affect the accuracy of the measurement results of the sensor.

Type: CN4030

Manufacturer: UWT

Made in Germany

Measurement principle Capacitive
Measuring task Point level measurement
Medium Solids
Process temperature -40°C … +110°C (-40°F … +230°F)
Process pressure -1 bar … +16 bar (-14.5 psi … +232 psi)
Sensitivity DK ≥ 1,6
Housing protection rating IP66
Process connection ≥ G 1 1/2"
Power supply universal voltage (21...45V DC /21...230V AC), 20...40V DC
Signal output Relay DPDT, Transistor PNP



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