Flow Computers Metronic FP-3031

Bộ tính toán hiển thị lưu lượng Metronic FP-3031
Bộ tính toán hiển thị lưu lượng Metronic FP-3031

Flow Computers Metronic FP-3031

Giá: Contact


Flow Computers Metronic FP-3031 for calculating compensated flow and thermal energy of steam, water and other liquid media and compensated flow of process gases with electronically registered results. Up to three different measurement system in one device.

Type: FP-3031

Manufacturer: Metronic

Made in Poland

Display 4” Touchscreen LCD
Dimensions 192 mm x 96 mm x 63.5 mm
Input 10 channels analog, pulse, RTD
Output analog, relayf
Communication ethernet port, modbus TCP Client/Server, server www, USB, RS–485 port, Modbus RTU
Alarms relay, SMS notification
Power supply 24 VDC
Ambient temperature 0 .. +40 °C


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